Bagasse alternative to styrofoam

by: Mirjam Visser, 2010-11-08 05:46:40 UTC
Sustainability Aspects: Bagasse is a byproduct of sugarcane production. It can be used as an alternative energy by combustion with energy recovery. Supplying more energy then needed for the production of sugar out of the sugarcane but it can also be used as a material to make pa

Bagasse plates and bowls

Bagasse is a byproduct form sugarcane production and besides being used for energy production it can also be used as a material for making paper or other products like packaging material.

Bagasse can be used as an alternative to styrofoam in the ‘hamburger’ packaging, insulating the product inside. It is decomposable and renewable. Bagasse content of sugarcane is about 30% so with all the sugar production out of cane there is a continuous supply of raw material.

If you are creative I bet you can find other applications; Look for instance at the Zhe furniture by chen wei-che and chung yo-hsun in the other pictures

Designer: na
Manufacturer: divers
Category: material compostable renewable
Websites: divers


Bagasse plates and bowls
Bagasse plates and bowls

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