Biomimicry & Lightweight Design
With energy conservation being a current hot topic, a lot is talked about lightweight construction. Often, nature has already provided us with the solution. Huge material savings can be made by placing structures according to the anticipated mechanical impact, and this is often displayed by many plants, which defy extreme weather conditions. That is one of many biomimcry examples from nature where structures are used to create strength despite low weight. By means of the Additive Layered Manufacturing, many structural solutions can be copied from nature. Appropriate structures of metal or plastic can be united in lightweight construction with high mechanical demands. By using the concept of biomimicry in structural design, the properties of a product can be tailored to meet the exact optimum characteristics in strength, weight, flexibility, energy absorbtion, durability or whatever is the critical factor of your structure.Another product of the same software provider; Selective Space Structures (3S)
Nature is the most diverse environment we can ever imagine and it creates this diversity with only a very limited number of materials. Instead, the use of structures enhances an unlimeted variety of functional properties.Through evolution, organisms have experimented with form and function for 3.8 billion years. Bone, corals, seashells and plants are all examples of structured materials developed by nature and optimized for unique functions.
With Additive Manufacturing in thin layers, it is possible to manufacture very intricate shapes and structures to mimic the way nature use structures. You can evolve unique properties from basic materials.
Mimicking biological structures is a complex task and requires both skills and tools. Selective Space Structures (3S) is a design tool which makes the creation and development of complex structures easy for personal computers and human engineers. It is built around the ideas of creating a tool that
*allows combination of many different structures,
*allows fast and easy design iterations
*is able to complete the task within the capacity of a standard PC.
Selective Space Structures (3S) is adapted to Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing. A solid part can easily be converted into a structured component by selecting structures from a library or by creating entirely new structures.
The possibilities are endless.
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