Climate control Tado

by: Mirjam Visser, 2012-11-16 11:13:02 UTC
Sustainability Aspects: Optimizing home climate increasing comfort levels and reducing carbon footprint and energy bill.

The Story

In the box

Currently about 34% of global energy consumption is caused by inefficient climate control systems. Addressing this issue Tado strives to be the market leader of heating management solutions for private consumers. With Tado the customer only consumes as much heating energy as necessary to maintain an individual level of comfort (i.e. temperature). The business model is driven by Tado’s service (combination of cutting-edge hard- and software) as it yields substantial energy savings on the customer side by including realtime data such as behavioral patterns or home characteristics in a heating algorithm. Tado was founded in 2011 by a team of experienced entrepreneurs with an engineering background (mechanical engineering, energy management, software and embedded hardware development) who have successfully built up and sold another technology-driven startup before. Changing values in the society towards pollution, climate change and risks associated with nuclear power drive the change towards advanced energy management solutions. This opens up a vast market for Tado which reaches as far as 300 million households just in the EU – really everyone who lives in a heated or air conditioned home. For its commercial launch in October 2012 Tado has partnered with Deutsche Telekom AG as one major distribution channel.

Tado offers a combination of hardware, software and the power of cloud computing which enables anyone’s heating system to communicate with Tado’s web service. Numerous realtime data points which describe customer behavior (e.g. location), home characteristics (e.g. isolation) and local climate conditions are automatically aggregated and statistically analyzed. This information is then used by a sophisticated algorithm to control and maximize the efficiency of your heating system saving energy, money and reducing the carbon footprint. At the same time, Tado will maintain the highest level of climate comfort in homes – just when it is needed.

What does tado° do?

  • It adapts to you. Depending on whether you’re at home or on the move, tado° makes sure you’re living in comfort. But tado° also ensures you’re only consuming energy that’s really required. This means, for example, that your home isn’t heated while you’re not there, but you always return to a warm home.
  • It adapts to your home. tado° quickly learns to respond to the particular heating properties of your home, influenced by factors such as its insulation and window surface area. This allows it to reach the desired temperature even more efficiently.
  • It adapts to the weather. tado° checks the weather forecast online: sunny days and very cold nights affect how it heats. If the forecast promises sunshine, tado° turns down the heating in good time and lets the sun warm up your home. This saves energy and prevents the building from overheating.
  • Through your smartphone the homesituation can be checked from any location, 24/7.
Product: climate control
Designer: Tado
Manufacturer: Tado
Category: climate control


Tado app
Tado hardware
In the box
Tado app
by Tado

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